Our Values and Principles

We are on a quest for knowledge, striving to make important discoveries.

We value people with the desire and passion to help us look for those discoveries wherever that journey may take us.

Within our chosen field no challenge is too large, no question is to small and above all no person’s opinion is discounted.

Sometimes we have to break things and often we have to challenge the status quo in order to find a solution, once we have made our discovery, we then ensure that our solution can be repeatedly achieved with a positive environmental impact.

Easy to use is a value that makes real world chemistry real. At Optitune we strive to make materials that can be used easily, safely and cost effectively.

Our main values are honesty, respect for others, fairness, trust and safety. Respect includes own work community, customers, partners, and all people we are dealing with. Respect and honesty mean also listening to and appreciating all opinions, also dissenting ones. Customers are served according to quality goals and agreed promises are kept. Fairness can be summarized, so that we all are treated the same way and have the same rights and responsibilities in our working community. Trust means that we have zero tolerance for harassment. No one is left alone, and everyone takes care of each other. In the field of chemistry, the safety of the working environment is emphasized. Everyone is responsible for a safe and comfortable working environment.

“To see a world in a grain of sand” – William Blake

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    Optitune Oy - Nanotechnology for anti-reflective anti-scratch and anti-glare industrial coatings